How To Make Your Coffee More Hydrating

Modern Strategies to Make Coffee More Hydrating

Based on research from the Hydration Foundation, by simply making it with structured water, we will share how to make your coffee less dehydrating. We use our easy spin funnel system to make a cup of coffee, pouring water through the funnel and over our beans.

You should pour structured water into the machine while using a coffee machine. Structured water helps the coffee feel better in the mouth because structured water is silkier than tap water or filtered water (its viscosity is 10 percent more than liquid). But more important than taste, spin equipment shifts the bond angle of the water molecules, and this is what allows more water in the coffee to pass through the cell membrane into your cell, giving efficient hydration. You may find you need less coffee to have energy and focus.

Ancient Strategies to Add Further Hydration

You've probably heard about Bulletproof coffee, Dave Asprey's popularity... he adds to his coffee MCI oil, a type of coconut oil, grass-fed butter, or ghee. Just guess what? That also makes the coffee more moisturizing. These are actually ancient techniques used in every high altitude region in the world for successful hydration.

They use hot tea in Tibet that is mixed with yak butter and a pinch of salt. Their most common technique in the high Andes is to drink hot cocoa. High altitudes are known to produce more hydration needs, and a hot drink, plus fat, plus minerals, is a more successful and lasting hydration strategy.

Hot vs. Cold? It's a Personal Test

It may seem odd to us that it is a hydration technique for hot coffee, or any hot drink, since we here in the US are used to thinking of hydration as a glass of cold water. But cold hydration means that the work of warming the liquid must be done by your body, and in the end, it can be less hydrating. Most hydration is achieved in China through hot green tea, which has a high mineral content.

A little hot coffee can be hydrating, not dehydrating, for us today, but too much can cause the diuretic effect, and too much coffee can also add acidity to your diet, so it's an individual determination, sometimes season-to-season, or region-to-region.

Cold Brew Is In

In fact, the high acid content causes most of the damage done by coffee. Did you know that this problem is solved by cold brewing? You can actually also brew cold tea and retain any organic elements that are destroyed by heat. All it takes is patience. It means that in ground coffee or tea, you add cold water and let it steep overnight. Pour over the strainer and witness an amazingly smooth and vibrant taste from your coffee or tea. Bring down the acid level in your life. Isn't there enough agitation out there?


1 cup coarsely ground coffee or tea

4 cups cold water

Yield: Makes a concentrate, dilute to taste.

Add both to large bowl, stir briefly and refrigerate about 12 hours or overnight. Strain, paper filters or cheesecloth helps. Keeps in fridge up to a week, if it lasts that long.

Benefit from the Structured Water Difference (Spring Aqua Water)

Try it out for yourself to see if you can notice a difference making your coffee or tea with structured water. You should notice a difference in taste and the amount you need. [1]